Eight Ways To Use The Rapid Release Therapy Tool

Did you know that as part of your recovery protocol at Generator you have access to our Rapid Release Therapy Tool?  Here’s why you should take advantage of it.

The Rapid Release Therapy Pro2 vibrating massage tool helps:

  • Decrease muscle tension

  • Relieve pain

  • Revitalize muscles

This medical grade vibrating massage tool uses 10,000 RPM of vibrational therapy to relieve aches and pains in soft tissue.  Use it to spot treat muscles, with short circular or zigzag motions and gentle application for maximum vibration. 

It will help relax tight muscles, release trapped nerves, and break down scar tissue that is constricting mobility and function.  Best of all, you only need 2-3 minutes per area to start feeling the difference!

The convenient design allows the tool to be used most anywhere across the body, from the larger muscles of the back and legs to the small joints like the toes and fingers.

Here are 8 great ways to use it.


  1. Neck: Stiffness in the muscles of the neck can lead to tight muscles in the back. Rapid Release Therapy can relax these muscles and allow freer movement.

  2. Back: The back is full of muscles that control posture and supports your daily movement. The PRO2’s flat head treatment disk is ideal for relieving stiffness.

  3. Hips: The concentration of muscles of the hip are often the most neglected. Rapid Release Therapy can relax these muscles and relieve aches and pains.

  4. Elbows: Elbows are vital to the extension of the forearm and are often overworked. Rapid Release Therapy promotes relief and eases flexion.

  5. Wrist: Muscles of the forearm support hand and wrist movement. Freeing up these muscles with Rapid Release Therapy improves movement and relieves pain.

  6. Hands: Rapid Release is uniquely suited for use on hands and fingers because of the small stroke. Every tip of the PRO2 can be very comfortably used on aches and pains in the hand.

  7. Calfs: Rapid Release Therapy relaxes the muscles in the calf and releases stiffness to provide improved ease of movement.

  8. Feet: As the foundation of the body, the foot is a complex structure. They are critical to the body's movement. Rapid Release Therapy can release muscles and reduce aches and pains.

Come on in to Generator and let us show you how and why you should add this tool to your recovery regime.

Dr. Jess Tranchina