Why Strength Training > HIIT

At Generator we are all about following the science. Why? It doesn’t adhere to fads or trends, it’s backed by studies and peer reviews. The science we follow is confirming what we’ve suspected: HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) is not always beneficial. HIIT maximizes your gym time with all-out intensity bursts paired with brief periods of rest. It’s aerobic and allows busy people to get similar “results” as a longer workout, in a shorter period of time.The science does say that HIIT has been shown to increase fitness levels, help regulate blood sugar levels, and reduce risk of high blood pressure. However, the cons can start outweighing the pros when it comes to this form of training. Here are some downsides of HIIT:

  • Our society dictates a hard and fast lifestyle. We’re constantly working to maximize our time and HIIT speaks directly to that. However, the stress we’re taking on with this way of living is having a significant negative impact on our health. Pairing a stressful life with a stressful workout, we’re not giving our bodies a chance to recover, relax or absorb those good endorphins

  • High-intensity correlates with high impact activity. This includes jumping and other moves that put intense pressure on your joints. Over time, this repeated impact wears down on your body, opens the door to chronic pains, and reduces physical longevity.

  • Moving quickly through exercises is always a recipe for injury and that is the nature of any HIIT workout. When we move without dedicated warm-ups or proper form, injuries inevitably occur.

Strength training on the other hand removes concerns around high impact and with a professional trainer designing workouts for your body and correcting form, you’ll be able to avoid injury.

What does the science say? Strength training increases metabolism releases endorphins and increases serotonin, builds muscle, increases immunity, strengthens bones, and the list goes on!

How are we applying this information at The Generator? Our incredible team of personal trainers stay up to date on best practices in fitness and apply personalized training approaches to each client. Our private and semi-personalized training sessions are always unique, innovative, and designed with your health, safety, and goals in mind. Ready to get started? Your first consultation with our team is free and includes an In-Body scan. Enjoy your first two weeks of training free when your sign up with us!

Delfin Ward